Access the OPR's planning practice output (including all reports, case study papers, practice notes and practice applications)
OPR- Measuring What Matters - Irish Development Plan Monitoring
As identified in the OPR's second research programme, 2023-2025, this theme builds on the OPR’s first area of planning research in 2020 titled ‘Measuring What Matters: Planning Outcomes’. That research was commissioned by the RTPI and co-funded by the OPR, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) and governments of Scotland and Wales. [see Planning Performance page].
As the first step in developing the theme of Development Plan Monitoring, the OPR held a workshop with key stakeholders in June 2024. The workshop built on the previous research and showcased new and highly innovative methods of communicating the essence of plans into measurable key objectives. An OPR Paper was produced which shares the key findings from the workshop, features case studies presented and identifies the next steps and key action areas in three core themes.
Work is progressing on the development of a practice note based on the findings of the workshop and work to date.
OPR- Planning for Employment Growth – The Development Plan and Employment Lands
Practice Note (PN04) is the fifth in a series of OPR Practice Notes. It focuses
on ‘Planning for Employment Growth – The
Development Plan and Employment Lands’.
This Practice Note was identified as a ‘Strand Three - Planning Practice’
project in the OPR’s Strategic Planning Research Programme
2023 – 2025.
The Practice Note sets out a practical
approach for estimating enterprise and employment land requirements to inform
the development plan preparation process and outlines methodologies for the implementation
of national and regional economic policy at the local development level, and
through a structured framework adaptable to different contexts and locations. It
also includes:
A schedule of data links and sources (Appendix
A template site appraisal form (Appendix C)
OPR- Planning Enforcement
This Practice Note (PN05) focuses on 'Planning Enforcement'.
The OPR identified in its Strategic Planning Research Programme 2023-2025 the intention to conduct research into and prepare a practice note on 'Planning Enforcement'.
The overall purpose of the Practice Note is to promote an effective and efficient planning enforcement service. Planning enforcement ensures there is a process in place and sanctions available for those who do not apply for planning permission, where it is required, or who breach the conditions of a permission, where it has been granted.
This Practice Note contains information on the legal context for planning enforcement, examines the key concepts, including the practical and operational issues, experienced by planning enforcement teams, provides support to new staff joining planning enforcement sections and serves a broader role in informing local authority elected members and senior management of the legal requirements associated with planning enforcement. It also includes:
- a complaint form template (Appendix A);
- a legal digest: a summary of relevant case law (Appendix B).
OPR- Planning Conditions
This Practice Note (PN03) is the third in a series of OPR Practice Notes. It focuses on 'Planning Conditions'.
The attachment of conditions to a planning permission is the culmination of the planning assessment of a development proposal. The overall purpose of the Practice Note is to promote greater consistency, insofar as is practical, in the use of standard planning conditions, and to support planning authorities in devising their own manual of conditions.
The need for a Practice Note in this area was identified in the OPR's first Strategic Planning Research Programme, published in September 2020, following stakeholder engagement and consultation with the National Planning Knowledge Group (NPKG).
This Practice Note contains information and guidance for planning authorities on how to draft standard planning conditions and the reasons for the attachment of conditions to a grant of planning permission. It also includes:
- a practitioners checklist for appraising planning conditions (Appendix A);
- a planning conditions compendium (Appendix B);
- a sample of a supplementary advice note that may be furnished with a final grant of permission to highlight other codes that may be relevant at the implementation stage (Appendix C); and
- an overview of relevant case law (Appendix D).
OPR- Environmental Impact Assessment Screening
This Practice Note (PN02) is the second in a series of OPR Practice Notes. It focuses on 'Environmental Impact Assessment Screening'.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) comes from EU environmental policy, the initial Directive of 1985 and its three amendments have been codified by Directive 2011/92/EU of 13 December 2011. Directive 2011/92/EU has been amended in 2014 by Directive 2014/52/EU. Together these comprise the EIA Directive. The EIA Directive aims to ensure a high level of protection for environment and human health.
The need for a Practice Note in this area was identified in the OPR's Strategic Planning Research Programme, published in September 2020, following stakeholder engagement and consultation with the National Planning Knowledge Group (NPKG).
This Practice Note provides information and guidance on screening for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) by planning authorities. It includes useful templates and addresses issues that commonly arise.
Following the publication of Circular Letter: EUIPR 01/2023: Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2023 (S.I. 383 of 2023) in August 2023, this practice note will be reviewed and updated, where required, to reflect the changes in legislation.

OPR- Plan-Making Calculator
This application has been designed by the OPR as a practical tool for estimating timeframes for making or reviewing a city or county development plan. The timeframes are based on the statutory timeframes set out in the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.
The application was developed as a ‘Strand Three – Planning Practice’ project as provided for in the OPR’s Planning Research Framework.
OPR- Appropriate Assessment Screening for Development Management
This Practice Note (PN01) is the first in a series of OPR Practice Notes. It focuses on 'Appropriate Assessment Screening for Development Management.'
Appropriate assessment comes from the Habitats Directive (92/43/ECC), which seeks to safeguard the long-term survival of Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats.
The need for a Practice Note in this area was identified in the OPR's Strategic Planning Research Programme, published in September 2020, following stakeholder engagement and consultation with the National Planning Knowledge Group (NPKG).
This Practice Note provides information and guidance on screening for appropriate assessment during the planning application process. It includes useful templates and addresses issues that commonly arise.